Teacher Google Classroom Codes
Hello Parents and Guardians! We ask that you please take a moment to fill out the beginning of the year school forms if you have not done so already. Your child will be sent home with a packet of important school forms that need your attention. After completing these forms, please send them back to school with your child.
Emergency Contact Form
For the safety of your child, it is very important we have every child’s emergency contact information completed, up-to-date and on-file
Media consent form
Cell Phone Policy Acknowledgement Form
Lunch Forms
Every year families are asked to fill out a lunch form their children. This year we are asking you to submit the form online. Even if your child does not eat school lunch every family should fill it out. For every lunch form filled out our school gets funding for your child.
These forms can also be found on your child’s Google Home-page. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!